




株式会社 Premium Vacations

〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2-11-7 ATT新館 8F



JWE - Japan Wind Energy 2024

Premium platform for public and private stakeholders in Japan's wind energy value chain

Every year

Date: October 15-17, 2024

Location: Tokyo
Venue: Bellesalle Shibuya Garden Tokyo
Exhibits: Wind turbines, Wind energy generation systems, Wind energy storage systems,

      Offshore wind farm equipment, Wind measurement and control systems, Wind farm

      operation and maintenance services, Wind energy industry software solutions, Wind

      energy finance and investment services, Wind energy research and development

      organizations, Wind energy consulting services, Wind energy education and training

      programs, Wind energy project developers, Wind energy component manufacturers

Visitor eligibility: Trade only

2023 year

Visitors : 1,500(500 from overseas)

Exhibitors : 50(30 from overseas)

Useful Link

Exhibitors List


2024 Japan Wind Energy

OCT. 14

Arrival at Haneda or Narita.

English speaking assistant (ESA) welcome you at the airport, and

transfer to Hotel by Private car.

OCT. 15

Japan Wind Energy

OCT. 16

Japan Wind Energy

OCT. 17

Japan Wind Energy

OCT. 18

Transfer to airport by private car with ESA.

Have a nice flight !

The following service are also available upon request.

  • International/domestic air ticket booking and issuing.
  • Professional interpreter (English, and other languages)
  • Pre, post tour of beautiful Japan !
  • ... and whatever you need.

Venue and Suggested Hotel

Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel 

10min. on foot to venue.